Saturday, May 22, 2010

Global Verge wins $44 million lawsuit against Zer01

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 Thursday May 20th, 2010 
IT'S OFFICIAL.  Global Verge was awarded a $44M judgment against Zer01 Mobile and Ben Piilani today!
I spoke with GV President, Ted Robbins earlier this afternoon and he was obviously ecstatic.  It will be a week or two before it is posted as a public record because of the filing process, but the judgment HAS been officially awarded in a Las Vegas court this morning. When Ted and I talked he stated "This is a monumental day for Global Verge.  During the past year we engaged in a contractual agreement with Zer01 for technology they were never able to bring to the table.  Over the past 9 months we have been going to battle in the courts.  Meanwhile in the media and on the internet we have been raked over the coals by people accusing us as being the culprit in this matter. The court has ruled and we have finally been vindicated.  Tell everyone that in this industry to be awarded $44M is HUGE!"  Ted also asked me to thank everyone that stuck with us because there were a number of people that were trying to convince our e-Associates that we were wrong. "We have finally set the record straight" he said. 
There you have it folks.  Ted made a statement when we recorded the corporate call about an hour ago that "Global Verge is HERE TO STAY!"  Make sure you listen to tonight's recorded corporate call.  It is great!    
From my personal point of view, I think this is fantastic.  I know how hard Ted has been working behind the scenes and today's court decision speaks volumes.  But more importantly what really impressed me is that on the call today Ted made a point to say that as a company Global Verge never desired or wanted any of this.  However, from his  point of view it was about protecting the Global Verge members and protecting the  company.  He said that they have other litigation pending and that his hope is that this sends a message that "if you have intentions of going into a company and screwing with their membership base, it won't be tolerated."  He said that "just because we have been silent doesn't mean that we are weak.  Things like this have a major affect on people and their families and we are proud to stand up to it.  We intend to continue to stand up to it." 
Now let's switch gears... 
Ted spent the entire day with Sprint yesterday.  As you know Global Verge has partnered with Sprint on a deal with their membership base; this means all of you e-Associates.  Ted announced today that as of June 5th we will be able to purchase a Sprint EVO phone that is going to be the hottest thing out.  It was evidently just awarded a best technology award at one of the latest mobile shows.  Ted is a self admitted "tech junkie" and he was very excited when he talked about this mobile handset.  Evidently not only does it have front and back cameras so it can do video, but in Ted's words it is also an Android phone operating on steroids.  It has GPS capability that is extremely fast on 4G technology.  It has a built in wireless hot spot that can be linked with six or eight computers simultaneously.  Ted was also very surprised that the phone will be able to access data and do calling at the same time.  In addition to all of this, it works with HD quality.  This means that you will be able to download a movie to the phone and then plug it into the TV to show an HD movie on your TV.   He didn't have the exact prices yet so don't quote this, but he said that the retail price will be somewhere around $299 for what he thinks is about a $500 or $600 phone so we will get a great price and make great commissions on this. 
Hooray Hooray it is a great day.
Have an awesome week!

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